Portrait Doll Challenge February 2018

Portrait Doll Challenge February 2018

Today our group Jan Horrox Clothdoll Makers Group on Face Book launched a challenge to make a Portrait Doll.  I started it off with a self portrait doll - more pictures are on the group intro in a pinned post.

 This the link -https://www.facebook.com/groups/874410022601138/

it MAY work.   I am hoping a lot of our 1000K members will join in this challenge and make their own portrait doll of a family member or well known person - historical or present day.  Below are some pictures of my self portrait doll as well as the drawing I made of my selfie as well as the cloth head with sketched face.


I have used parts of my own clothing to make the garments.  The tunic is made from a piece of felted knitwear and the jeans from an old denim shirt.  The long cardi is made from a short cardi.

This doll is a simple shaped body with straight legs, which has a wire from the feet into the head.  The arms are jointed on at the shoulders so there is some movement.  

I am really looking forward to seeing what might be produced by our members.

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